Totale Sonnenfinsternis vom 29.10.0878

Totale Sonnenfinsternis vom 29.10.0878
Wochentag: Samstag
Maximale Dauer der Verfinsterung: 01m50s
Maximale Breite des Finsternispfades: 250 km
Saroszyklus: 115
Bedeckungsgrad: 100%
Magnitude: 1.0246
Gamma: 0.9411

Wo kann man die Sonnenfinsternis vom 29.10.0878 sehen?

Die Sonnenfinsternis am 29.10.0878 kann man in 91 Ländern als partielle Sonnenfinsternis beobachten.
Der Finsternispfad verläuft durch 14 Länder. Nur in diesen Ländern ist sie als totale Sonnenfinsternis zu sehen.

In den folgenden Ländern ist die Sonnenfinsternis total zu sehen

worldmap Russland
worldmap Grönland
worldmap Island
worldmap Irland
worldmap Vereinigtes Königreich
worldmap Frankreich
worldmap Isle of Man
worldmap Belgien
worldmap Niederlande
worldmap Deutschland
worldmap Tschechien
worldmap Polen
worldmap Ukraine
worldmap Weißrussland

In den folgenden Ländern ist die Sonnenfinsternis partiell zu sehen

Wie wird das Wetter während der totalen Sonnenfinsternis am 29.10.0878?

Wo ist der beste Ort, um die totale Sonnenfinsternis vom 29.10.0878 zu beobachten?
Die folgenden Karten zeigen die durchschnittliche Bewölkung für den Tag, an dem die totale Sonnenfinsternis stattfindet. Mit Hilfe der Karten lässt sich der Ort entlang des Finsternispfades eingrenzen, der die besten Aussichen auf einen klaren wolkenfreien Himmel bietet. Trotzdem muss man immer lokale Gegenenheiten beachten und sollte sich genau über das Wetter an seinem gewählten Beobachtungsort informieren.

Die Daten stammen von den beiden NASA-Satelliten AQUA und TERRA und wurden über einen Zeitraum von 19 Jahren (2000 - 2019) gemittelt.

Detaillierte Länderkarten

worldmap Russland
worldmap Grönland
worldmap Island
worldmap Irland
worldmap Vereinigtes Königreich
worldmap Frankreich
worldmap Isle of Man
worldmap Belgien
worldmap Niederlande
worldmap Deutschland
worldmap Tschechien
worldmap Polen
worldmap Ukraine
worldmap Weißrussland

Orte im Finsternispfad

Die nachfolgene Tabelle zeigt Städte und Orte mit mehr als 5.000 Einwohnern, die sich im Finsternispfad befinden. Städte mit mehr als 100.000 Einwohnern sind dick gekennzeichnet. Mit einem Klick auf den Ort öffnet sich eine Detailkarte die die Lage des jeweiligen Ortes zusammen mit dem Verlauf der zentralen Finsternis präsentiert.

Ort Typ Dauer der Verfinsterung Ortszeit bei maximaler Verfinsterung Entfernung zur Zentrallinie Ø Bewölkung
IS  Keflavík, Southern Peninsula total - 11:26:27 UTC-01:28 76 km 76%
IE  Sligo, Connaught total - 12:48:33 UTC-00:25 90 km 84%
IE  Longford, Leinster total - 12:49:52 UTC-00:25 115 km 83%
IE  Letterkenny, Ulster total - 12:49:04 UTC-00:25 0 km 84%
IE  Cavan, Ulster total - 12:50:16 UTC-00:25 75 km 83%
IE  An Muileann gCearr, Leinster total - 12:50:38 UTC-00:25 117 km 81%
IE  Monaghan, Ulster total - 12:50:37 UTC-00:25 37 km 87%
IE  Navan, Leinster total - 12:51:28 UTC-00:25 82 km 86%
IE  Celbridge, Leinster total - 12:51:54 UTC-00:25 107 km 82%
IE  Hartstown, Leinster total - 12:52:01 UTC-00:25 98 km 82%
IE  Dundalk, Leinster total - 12:51:33 UTC-00:25 40 km 83%
IE  Ashbourne, Leinster total - 12:51:58 UTC-00:25 86 km 83%
IE  Drogheda, Leinster total - 12:51:52 UTC-00:25 64 km 83%
IE  Ballymun, Leinster total - 12:52:14 UTC-00:25 92 km 81%
IE  Dublin, Leinster total - 12:52:18 UTC-00:25 98 km 78%
IE  Balbriggan, Leinster total - 12:52:11 UTC-00:25 69 km 82%
IE  Kilquade total - 12:52:44 UTC-00:25 114 km 82%
GB  Belfast, Northern Ireland total - 13:17:05 UTC+00:00 33 km 83%
IM  Port Erin, Port Erin total - 13:19:05 UTC+00:00 25 km 83%
IM  Port Saint Mary, Port St Mary total - 13:19:06 UTC+00:00 24 km 84%
IM  Peel, Peel total - 13:19:02 UTC+00:00 40 km 84%
IM  Ballasalla, Malew total - 13:19:14 UTC+00:00 30 km 85%
IM  Kirkmichael, Michael total - 13:19:07 UTC+00:00 50 km 85%
IM  Santon, Santon total - 13:19:16 UTC+00:00 34 km 85%
IM  Crosby, Marown total - 13:19:14 UTC+00:00 41 km 85%
IM  Ballaugh, Ballaugh total - 13:19:10 UTC+00:00 54 km 86%
IM  Jurby, Jurby total - 13:19:09 UTC+00:00 59 km 81%
IM  Kirk Braddan, Braddan total - 13:19:19 UTC+00:00 41 km 86%
IM  Douglas, Douglas total - 13:19:23 UTC+00:00 40 km 86%
IM  Onchan, Onchan total - 13:19:24 UTC+00:00 43 km 86%
IM  Andreas, Andreas total - 13:19:16 UTC+00:00 63 km 81%
IM  Lezayre, Lezayre total - 13:19:20 UTC+00:00 58 km 85%
IM  Bride, Bride total - 13:19:18 UTC+00:00 66 km 81%
IM  Ramsey, Ramsey total - 13:19:22 UTC+00:00 60 km 85%
GB  Liverpool, England total - 13:22:04 UTC+00:00 17 km 83%
GB  Manchester, England total - 13:22:59 UTC+00:00 46 km 87%
GB  Stoke-on-Trent, England total - 13:23:31 UTC+00:00 0 km 87%
GB  Wolverhampton, England total - 13:24:00 UTC+00:00 40 km 85%
GB  Birmingham, England total - 13:24:25 UTC+00:00 45 km 84%
GB  Leeds, England total - 13:23:36 UTC+00:00 98 km 79%
GB  Coventry, England total - 13:25:01 UTC+00:00 41 km 82%
GB  Derby, England total - 13:24:33 UTC+00:00 12 km 82%
GB  Sheffield, England total - 13:24:07 UTC+00:00 59 km 85%
GB  Nottingham, England total - 13:24:58 UTC+00:00 24 km 81%
GB  Leicester, England total - 13:25:18 UTC+00:00 7 km 84%
GB  Reading, England total - 13:26:44 UTC+00:00 125 km 80%
GB  Hull, England total - 13:25:14 UTC+00:00 127 km 83%
GB  City of London, England total - 13:27:53 UTC+00:00 97 km 77%
GB  Bexley, England total - 13:28:18 UTC+00:00 99 km 78%
FR  Calais, Hauts-de-France total - 13:40:31 UTC+00:09 113 km 76%
FR  Grand-Fort-Philippe, Hauts-de-France total - 13:40:48 UTC+00:09 103 km 78%
FR  Gravelines, Hauts-de-France total - 13:40:51 UTC+00:09 104 km 78%
FR  Bourbourg, Hauts-de-France total - 13:40:59 UTC+00:09 107 km 80%
FR  Loon-Plage, Hauts-de-France total - 13:40:58 UTC+00:09 101 km 79%
FR  Cappelle-la-Grande, Hauts-de-France total - 13:41:09 UTC+00:09 98 km 80%
FR  Dunkerque, Hauts-de-France total - 13:41:08 UTC+00:09 94 km 80%
FR  Téteghem, Hauts-de-France total - 13:41:14 UTC+00:09 94 km 80%
FR  Hazebrouck, Hauts-de-France total - 13:41:42 UTC+00:09 124 km 81%
FR  Nieppe, Hauts-de-France total - 13:42:08 UTC+00:09 121 km 80%
FR  Houplines, Hauts-de-France total - 13:42:15 UTC+00:09 120 km 80%
BE  Ostend, Flanders total - 13:32:19 UTC+00:00 64 km 77%
FR  Pérenchies, Hauts-de-France total - 13:42:21 UTC+00:09 122 km 79%
FR  Quesnoy-sur-Deûle, Hauts-de-France total - 13:42:21 UTC+00:09 117 km 79%
FR  Lille, Hauts-de-France total - 13:42:31 UTC+00:09 125 km 80%
FR  Linselles, Hauts-de-France total - 13:42:25 UTC+00:09 113 km 79%
BE  Roeselare, Flanders total - 13:32:53 UTC+00:00 90 km 79%
FR  Halluin, Hauts-de-France total - 13:33:05 UTC+00:00 107 km 78%
BE  Brugge, Flanders total - 13:32:43 UTC+00:00 60 km 79%
BE  Kortrijk, Flanders total - 13:33:13 UTC+00:00 100 km 79%
BE  Tournai, Wallonia total - 13:33:39 UTC+00:00 122 km 79%
BE  Gent, Flanders total - 13:33:33 UTC+00:00 68 km 80%
BE  Aalst, Flanders total - 13:34:07 UTC+00:00 76 km 79%
BE  Sint-Niklaas, Flanders total - 13:33:59 UTC+00:00 49 km 77%
BE  La Louvière, Wallonia total - 13:34:51 UTC+00:00 122 km 78%
NL  The Hague, South Holland total - 13:52:37 UTC+00:19 52 km 80%
BE  Brussels, Brussels Capital total - 13:34:38 UTC+00:00 80 km 80%
BE  Antwerpen, Flanders total - 13:34:15 UTC+00:00 39 km 76%
BE  Mechelen, Flanders total - 13:34:35 UTC+00:00 59 km 76%
NL  Rotterdam, South Holland total - 13:53:02 UTC+00:19 38 km 79%
NL  Haarlem, North Holland total - 13:52:41 UTC+00:19 90 km 79%
BE  Leuven, Flanders total - 13:35:03 UTC+00:00 72 km 77%
NL  Breda, North Brabant total - 13:53:49 UTC+00:19 6 km 76%
BE  Namur, Wallonia total - 13:35:47 UTC+00:00 114 km 78%
NL  Amsterdam, North Holland total - 13:53:00 UTC+00:19 94 km 80%
NL  Tilburg, North Brabant total - 13:54:16 UTC+00:19 8 km 78%
NL  Utrecht, Utrecht total - 13:53:39 UTC+00:19 66 km 80%
NL  Almere Stad, Flevoland total - 13:53:25 UTC+00:19 98 km 79%
NL  's-Hertogenbosch, North Brabant total - 13:54:21 UTC+00:19 26 km 76%
BE  Hasselt, Flanders total - 13:35:49 UTC+00:00 57 km 77%
NL  Amersfoort, Utrecht total - 13:53:54 UTC+00:19 77 km 81%
NL  Eindhoven, North Brabant total - 13:54:54 UTC+00:19 0 km 74%
BE  Liège, Wallonia total - 13:36:29 UTC+00:00 87 km 78%
NL  Maastricht, Limburg total - 13:55:54 UTC+00:19 62 km 76%
NL  Nijmegen, Gelderland total - 13:54:52 UTC+00:19 49 km 77%
NL  Arnhem, Gelderland total - 13:54:46 UTC+00:19 65 km 78%
NL  Apeldoorn, Gelderland total - 13:54:33 UTC+00:19 91 km 77%
DE  Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:36:58 UTC+01:00 65 km 77%
DE  Mönchengladbach, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:36:54 UTC+01:00 16 km 76%
DE  Krefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:36:53 UTC+01:00 2 km 77%
DE  Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:37:00 UTC+01:00 14 km 80%
DE  Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:37:17 UTC+01:00 9 km 79%
NL  Enschede, Overijssel total - 13:55:41 UTC+00:19 102 km 80%
DE  Köln, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:37:52 UTC+01:00 39 km 82%
DE  Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:37:16 UTC+01:00 19 km 80%
DE  Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:38:18 UTC+01:00 60 km 83%
DE  Wuppertal, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:37:42 UTC+01:00 0 km 81%
DE  Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:37:45 UTC+01:00 30 km 83%
DE  Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:37:22 UTC+01:00 81 km 79%
DE  Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia total - 14:38:22 UTC+01:00 95 km 83%
DE  Frankfurt am Main, Hesse total - 14:41:06 UTC+01:00 116 km 83%
DE  Leipzig, Saxony total - 14:43:44 UTC+01:00 27 km 75%
CZ  Cheb, Karlovarský total - 14:45:32 UTC+01:00 114 km 83%
CZ  Sokolov, Karlovarský total - 14:45:41 UTC+01:00 103 km 82%
CZ  Karlovy Vary, Karlovarský total - 14:45:53 UTC+01:00 98 km 83%
DE  Chemnitz, Saxony total - 14:45:05 UTC+01:00 31 km 76%
CZ  Chomutov, Ústecký total - 14:46:10 UTC+01:00 74 km 84%
CZ  Žatec, Ústecký total - 14:46:30 UTC+01:00 90 km 83%
CZ  Most, Ústecký total - 14:46:20 UTC+01:00 70 km 83%
DE  Dresden, Saxony total - 14:45:39 UTC+01:00 10 km 75%
CZ  Ústí nad Labem, Ústecký total - 14:46:32 UTC+01:00 55 km 84%
CZ  Kladno, Central Bohemia total - 14:47:22 UTC+01:00 112 km 83%
CZ  Litoměřice, Ústecký total - 14:46:50 UTC+01:00 69 km 82%
CZ  Děčín, Ústecký total - 14:46:34 UTC+01:00 42 km 83%
CZ  Mělník, Central Bohemia total - 14:47:28 UTC+01:00 92 km 85%
CZ  Česká Lípa, Liberecký total - 14:47:03 UTC+01:00 55 km 84%
CZ  Mladá Boleslav, Central Bohemia total - 14:47:51 UTC+01:00 88 km 86%
CZ  Liberec, Liberecký total - 14:47:29 UTC+01:00 49 km 82%
PL  Zielona Góra, Lubusz total - 15:10:13 UTC+01:24 77 km 78%
PL  Jelenia Góra, Lower Silesian Voivodeship total - 15:11:59 UTC+01:24 40 km 72%
CZ  Trutnov, Královéhradecký total - 14:48:41 UTC+01:00 79 km 83%
PL  Legnica, Lower Silesian Voivodeship total - 15:11:58 UTC+01:24 9 km 79%
CZ  Náchod, Královéhradecký total - 14:49:09 UTC+01:00 97 km 83%
PL  Wałbrzych, Lower Silesian Voivodeship total - 15:12:45 UTC+01:24 59 km 78%
PL  Wrocław, Lower Silesian Voivodeship total - 15:13:00 UTC+01:24 30 km 81%
PL  Opole, Opole Voivodeship total - 15:14:32 UTC+01:24 86 km 81%
PL  Kalisz, Greater Poland Voivodeship total - 15:13:02 UTC+01:24 31 km 79%
PL  Konin, Greater Poland Voivodeship total - 15:12:29 UTC+01:24 80 km 78%
PL  Częstochowa, Silesian Voivodeship total - 15:15:30 UTC+01:24 88 km 75%
PL  Łódź, Łódź Voivodeship total - 15:14:20 UTC+01:24 11 km 73%
PL  Płock, Masovian Voivodeship total - 15:13:19 UTC+01:24 95 km 76%
PL  Kielce, Świętokrzyskie total - 15:16:46 UTC+01:24 102 km 74%
PL  Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship total - 15:14:58 UTC+01:24 40 km 76%
PL  Radom, Masovian Voivodeship total - 15:16:23 UTC+01:24 52 km 72%
PL  Lublin, Lublin Voivodeship total - 15:17:51 UTC+01:24 93 km 75%
PL  Białystok, Podlasie total - 15:15:20 UTC+01:24 97 km 75%
BY  Brest, Brest total - 15:43:25 UTC+01:50 23 km 71%
UA  Shats’k, Volyn total - 15:56:38 UTC+02:02 92 km 67%
BY  Kobryn, Brest total - 15:43:45 UTC+01:50 24 km 73%
BY  Vawkavysk, Grodnenskaya total - 15:42:19 UTC+01:50 73 km 77%
UA  Ratne, Volyn total - 15:56:50 UTC+02:02 86 km 70%
BY  Slonim, Grodnenskaya total - 15:43:05 UTC+01:50 48 km 76%
BY  Baranovichi, Brest total - 15:43:31 UTC+01:50 37 km 74%
BY  Pinsk, Brest total - 15:45:13 UTC+01:50 71 km 70%
BY  Salihorsk, Minsk total - 15:45:10 UTC+01:50 34 km 72%
BY  Slutsk, Minsk total - 15:44:47 UTC+01:50 10 km 75%
BY  Minsk, Minsk City total - 15:43:21 UTC+01:50 81 km 77%
BY  Horad Zhodzina, Minsk total - 15:43:32 UTC+01:50 82 km 78%
BY  Horad Barysaw, Minsk total - 15:43:26 UTC+01:50 91 km 79%
BY  Babruysk, Mogilev total - 15:45:42 UTC+01:50 39 km 72%
BY  Zhlobin, Gomel total - 15:46:37 UTC+01:50 85 km 75%
BY  Rahachow, Gomel total - 15:46:18 UTC+01:50 65 km 74%
BY  Mahilyow, Mogilev total - 15:45:07 UTC+01:50 12 km 79%
BY  Orsha, Vitebsk total - 15:44:10 UTC+01:50 70 km 82%
RU  Smolensk, Smolensk total - 16:24:56 UTC+02:30 54 km 82%
RU  Pochinok, Smolensk total - 16:25:47 UTC+02:30 5 km 85%
RU  Yartsevo, Smolensk total - 16:24:49 UTC+02:30 64 km 85%
RU  Roslavl’, Smolensk total - 16:26:47 UTC+02:30 52 km 82%
RU  Yel’nya, Smolensk total - 16:25:54 UTC+02:30 2 km 85%
RU  Safonovo, Smolensk total - 16:24:57 UTC+02:30 58 km 85%
RU  Desnogorsk, Smolensk total - 16:26:41 UTC+02:30 44 km 83%
RU  Dorogobuzh, Smolensk total - 16:25:24 UTC+02:30 32 km 84%
RU  Verkhnedneprovskiy, Smolensk total - 16:25:19 UTC+02:30 37 km 86%
RU  Spas-Demensk, Kaluga total - 16:26:38 UTC+02:30 39 km 85%
RU  Vyaz’ma, Smolensk total - 16:25:25 UTC+02:30 33 km 86%
RU  Kirov, Kaluga total - 16:27:21 UTC+02:30 81 km 84%