Totale Sonnenfinsternis vom 07.04.1540

Totale Sonnenfinsternis vom 07.04.1540
Wochentag: Sonntag
Maximale Dauer der Verfinsterung: 00m42s
Maximale Breite des Finsternispfades: 123 km
Saroszyklus: 131
Bedeckungsgrad: 100%
Magnitude: 1.0115
Gamma: 0.9462

Wie wird das Wetter während der totalen Sonnenfinsternis am 07.04.1540?

Wo ist der beste Ort, um die totale Sonnenfinsternis vom 07.04.1540 zu beobachten?
Die folgenden Karten zeigen die durchschnittliche Bewölkung für den Tag, an dem die totale Sonnenfinsternis stattfindet. Mit Hilfe der Karten lässt sich der Ort entlang des Finsternispfades eingrenzen, der die besten Aussichen auf einen klaren wolkenfreien Himmel bietet. Trotzdem muss man immer lokale Gegenenheiten beachten und sollte sich genau über das Wetter an seinem gewählten Beobachtungsort informieren.

Die Daten stammen von den beiden NASA-Satelliten AQUA und TERRA und wurden über einen Zeitraum von 19 Jahren (2000 - 2019) gemittelt.

Detaillierte Länderkarten

worldmap Russland
worldmap Grönland
worldmap Spitzbergen
worldmap Norwegen
worldmap Kroatien
worldmap Bosnien und Herzegowina
worldmap Ungarn
worldmap Serbien
worldmap Rumänien
worldmap Ukraine
worldmap Weißrussland

Orte im Finsternispfad

Die nachfolgene Tabelle zeigt Städte und Orte mit mehr als 5.000 Einwohnern, die sich im Finsternispfad befinden. Städte mit mehr als 100.000 Einwohnern sind dick gekennzeichnet. Mit einem Klick auf den Ort öffnet sich eine Detailkarte die die Lage des jeweiligen Ortes zusammen mit dem Verlauf der zentralen Finsternis präsentiert.

Ort Typ Dauer der Verfinsterung Ortszeit bei maximaler Verfinsterung Entfernung zur Zentrallinie Ø Bewölkung
HR  Zadar, Zadarska total - 05:27:10 UTC+01:00 32 km 56%
HR  Gospić, Ličko-Senjska total - 05:27:50 UTC+01:00 9 km 73%
SJ  Longyearbyen, Svalbard total - 06:28:38 UTC+01:00 48 km 78%
BA  Bihać, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina total - 05:28:10 UTC+01:00 24 km 70%
BA  Cazin, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina total - 05:28:24 UTC+01:00 38 km 69%
BA  Stijena, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina total - 05:28:19 UTC+01:00 32 km 70%
BA  Bosanska Krupa, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina total - 05:28:12 UTC+01:00 23 km 69%
BA  Otoka, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina total - 05:28:20 UTC+01:00 30 km 67%
BA  Novi Grad, Republic of Srspka total - 05:28:25 UTC+01:00 34 km 67%
BA  Sanica, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina total - 05:27:38 UTC+01:00 19 km 73%
BA  Sanski Most, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina total - 05:27:53 UTC+01:00 4 km 69%
BA  Prijedor, Republic of Srspka total - 05:28:14 UTC+01:00 17 km 66%
BA  Ključ, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina total - 05:27:28 UTC+01:00 31 km 75%
BA  Kozarska Dubica, Republic of Srspka total - 05:28:33 UTC+01:00 34 km 65%
BA  Omarska, Republic of Srspka total - 05:28:03 UTC+01:00 2 km 67%
BA  Banja Luka, Republic of Srspka total - 05:27:47 UTC+01:00 18 km 69%
BA  Trn, Republic of Srspka total - 05:27:55 UTC+01:00 11 km 67%
BA  Gradiška, Republic of Srspka total - 05:28:24 UTC+01:00 17 km 65%
BA  Laktaši, Republic of Srspka total - 05:27:59 UTC+01:00 8 km 66%
BA  Čelinac, Republic of Srspka total - 05:27:40 UTC+01:00 28 km 73%
HR  Nova Gradiška, Slavonski Brod-Posavina total - 05:28:33 UTC+01:00 25 km 68%
BA  Srbac, Republic of Srspka total - 05:28:15 UTC+01:00 4 km 65%
BA  Prnjavor, Republic of Srspka total - 05:27:51 UTC+01:00 23 km 64%
HR  Požega, Požeško-Slavonska total - 05:28:38 UTC+01:00 24 km 68%
BA  Kalenderovci Donji, Republic of Srspka total - 05:27:56 UTC+01:00 21 km 65%
BA  Derventa, Republic of Srspka total - 05:27:59 UTC+01:00 20 km 65%
BA  Brod, Republic of Srspka total - 05:28:14 UTC+01:00 7 km 65%
HR  Slavonski Brod, Slavonski Brod-Posavina total - 05:28:16 UTC+01:00 5 km 65%
HR  Našice, Osječko-Baranjska total - 05:28:48 UTC+01:00 25 km 67%
BA  Odžak, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina total - 05:27:58 UTC+01:00 29 km 65%
HR  Belišće, Osječko-Baranjska total - 05:29:04 UTC+01:00 34 km 69%
HR  Đakovo, Osječko-Baranjska total - 05:28:26 UTC+01:00 3 km 65%
HR  Valpovo, Osječko-Baranjska total - 05:29:02 UTC+01:00 32 km 69%
HR  Čepin, Osječko-Baranjska total - 05:28:46 UTC+01:00 13 km 67%
HR  Beli Manastir, Osječko-Baranjska total - 05:29:11 UTC+01:00 36 km 67%
HR  Višnjevac, Osječko-Baranjska total - 05:28:50 UTC+01:00 16 km 66%
HR  Ivankovo, Vukovar-Sirmium total - 05:28:21 UTC+01:00 15 km 68%
HR  Osijek, Osječko-Baranjska total - 05:28:48 UTC+01:00 11 km 64%
HR  Županja, Vukovar-Sirmium total - 05:27:59 UTC+01:00 36 km 65%
HR  Darda, Osječko-Baranjska total - 05:28:56 UTC+01:00 19 km 64%
HR  Tenja, Osječko-Baranjska total - 05:28:42 UTC+01:00 4 km 65%
HR  Vinkovci, Vukovar-Sirmium total - 05:28:20 UTC+01:00 19 km 68%
HR  Otok, Vukovar-Sirmium total - 05:28:04 UTC+01:00 36 km 67%
HR  Borovo, Vukovar-Sirmium total - 05:28:27 UTC+01:00 16 km 69%
RS  Apatin, Vojvodina total - 05:28:57 UTC+01:00 13 km 65%
HR  Vukovar, Vukovar-Sirmium total - 05:28:23 UTC+01:00 20 km 70%
RS  Prigrevica total - 05:28:56 UTC+01:00 10 km 63%
RS  Sonta total - 05:28:48 UTC+01:00 1 km 64%
RS  Sombor, Vojvodina total - 05:29:06 UTC+01:00 18 km 62%
RS  Stanišić total - 05:29:23 UTC+01:00 33 km 64%
HU  Bácsalmás, Bács-Kiskun total - 05:29:40 UTC+01:00 45 km 67%
RS  Bačka Palanka, Vojvodina total - 05:28:09 UTC+01:00 43 km 69%
RS  Bački Petrovac, Vojvodina total - 05:28:18 UTC+01:00 40 km 69%
RS  Bačka Topola, Vojvodina total - 05:29:05 UTC+01:00 3 km 67%
RS  Vrbas, Vojvodina total - 05:28:40 UTC+01:00 21 km 67%
RS  Subotica, Vojvodina total - 05:29:34 UTC+01:00 30 km 67%
HU  Mórahalom, Csongrád total - 05:29:44 UTC+01:00 33 km 66%
RS  Bačko Gradište total - 05:28:32 UTC+01:00 39 km 66%
RS  Bečej, Vojvodina total - 05:28:40 UTC+01:00 31 km 67%
RS  Kanjiža, Vojvodina total - 05:29:27 UTC+01:00 12 km 63%
RS  Čurug total - 05:28:25 UTC+01:00 46 km 67%
RS  Senta, Vojvodina total - 05:29:12 UTC+01:00 2 km 65%
RS  Bačko Petrovo Selo total - 05:28:49 UTC+01:00 24 km 66%
HU  Sándorfalva, Csongrád total - 05:29:57 UTC+01:00 39 km 67%
RS  Novi Kneževac, Vojvodina total - 05:29:25 UTC+01:00 9 km 63%
RS  Mol total - 05:28:55 UTC+01:00 20 km 66%
RS  Čoka, Vojvodina total - 05:29:13 UTC+01:00 3 km 65%
HU  Szeged, Csongrád total - 05:29:45 UTC+01:00 26 km 65%
RS  Novo Miloševo total - 05:28:49 UTC+01:00 31 km 65%
HU  Hódmezővásárhely, Csongrád total - 05:30:01 UTC+01:00 35 km 63%
RS  Mokrin total - 05:29:10 UTC+01:00 15 km 62%
RS  Kikinda, Vojvodina total - 05:28:58 UTC+01:00 27 km 62%
HU  Makó, Csongrád total - 05:29:39 UTC+01:00 10 km 62%
RO  Sânnicolau Mare, Timiş total - 06:13:47 UTC+01:44 9 km 61%
HU  Orosháza, Bekes total - 05:30:14 UTC+01:00 36 km 63%
HU  Nagyszénás, Bekes total - 05:30:26 UTC+01:00 47 km 64%
RS  Srpska Crnja total - 05:28:46 UTC+01:00 46 km 62%
RO  Jimbolia, Timiş total - 06:13:16 UTC+01:44 40 km 62%
HU  Tótkomlós, Bekes total - 05:29:57 UTC+01:00 19 km 62%
HU  Kondoros, Bekes total - 05:30:34 UTC+01:00 49 km 62%
HU  Mezőhegyes, Bekes total - 05:29:46 UTC+01:00 6 km 61%
HU  Csorvás, Bekes total - 05:30:19 UTC+01:00 35 km 63%
HU  Mezőkovácsháza, Bekes total - 05:29:54 UTC+01:00 10 km 62%
HU  Battonya, Bekes total - 05:29:41 UTC+01:00 5 km 61%
HU  Mezőberény, Bekes total - 05:30:37 UTC+01:00 44 km 61%
HU  Újkígyós, Bekes total - 05:30:12 UTC+01:00 22 km 62%
RO  Pecica, Arad total - 06:13:52 UTC+01:44 18 km 63%
HU  Békéscsaba, Bekes total - 05:30:22 UTC+01:00 29 km 63%
HU  Békés, Bekes total - 05:30:31 UTC+01:00 35 km 61%
HU  Elek, Bekes total - 05:30:05 UTC+01:00 9 km 60%
HU  Vésztő, Bekes total - 05:30:46 UTC+01:00 44 km 60%
HU  Gyula, Bekes total - 05:30:17 UTC+01:00 18 km 63%
RO  Curtici, Arad total - 06:14:10 UTC+01:44 11 km 59%
RO  Arad, Arad total - 06:13:52 UTC+01:44 27 km 60%
HU  Sarkad, Bekes total - 05:30:27 UTC+01:00 23 km 62%
RO  Sântana, Arad total - 06:14:08 UTC+01:44 19 km 59%
HU  Komádi, Hajdú-Bihar total - 05:30:53 UTC+01:00 41 km 61%
RO  Salonta, Bihor total - 06:14:54 UTC+01:44 17 km 65%
RO  Ineu, Arad total - 06:14:14 UTC+01:44 25 km 64%
RO  Oradea, Bihor total - 06:15:19 UTC+01:44 28 km 63%
RO  Marghita, Bihor total - 06:15:48 UTC+01:44 37 km 66%
RO  Beiuş, Bihor total - 06:14:35 UTC+01:44 26 km 68%
RO  Aleşd, Bihor total - 06:15:17 UTC+01:44 8 km 66%
RO  Şimleu Silvaniei, Sălaj total - 06:15:33 UTC+01:44 5 km 67%
RO  Satu Mare, Satu Mare total - 06:16:33 UTC+01:44 52 km 67%
RO  Zalău, Sălaj total - 06:15:28 UTC+01:44 9 km 65%
RO  Jibou, Sălaj total - 06:15:33 UTC+01:44 13 km 68%
RO  Seini, Maramureş total - 06:16:26 UTC+01:44 28 km 68%
RO  Negreşti-Oaş, Satu Mare total - 06:16:37 UTC+01:44 31 km 69%
RO  Baia Mare, Satu Mare total - 06:16:14 UTC+01:44 6 km 71%
RO  Dej, Cluj total - 06:15:18 UTC+01:44 51 km 67%
RO  Sighetu Marmaţiei, Maramureş total - 06:16:42 UTC+01:44 15 km 73%
UA  Rakhiv, Zakarpattia total - 06:34:34 UTC+02:02 10 km 79%
RO  Vişeu de Sus, Maramureş total - 06:16:17 UTC+01:44 30 km 77%
UA  Nadvirna, Ivano-Frankivsk total - 06:35:36 UTC+02:02 40 km 72%
RO  Borşa, Maramureş total - 06:16:09 UTC+01:44 46 km 82%
UA  Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ivano-Frankivsk total - 06:36:07 UTC+02:02 56 km 71%
UA  Kolomyya, Ivano-Frankivsk total - 06:35:23 UTC+02:02 8 km 71%
UA  Buchach, Ternopil total - 06:36:21 UTC+02:02 32 km 67%
UA  Ternopil’, Ternopil total - 06:37:15 UTC+02:02 58 km 70%
UA  Terebovlya, Ternopil total - 06:36:47 UTC+02:02 33 km 68%
UA  Zbarazh, Ternopil total - 06:37:26 UTC+02:02 57 km 70%
UA  Chortkiv, Ternopil total - 06:36:15 UTC+02:02 7 km 66%
UA  Horodok, Khmelnytskyi total - 06:36:30 UTC+02:02 24 km 70%
UA  Netishyn, Khmelnytskyi total - 06:38:41 UTC+02:02 58 km 71%
UA  Izyaslav, Khmelnytskyi total - 06:38:16 UTC+02:02 33 km 68%
UA  Slavuta, Khmelnytskyi total - 06:38:36 UTC+02:02 43 km 71%
UA  Krasyliv, Khmelnytskyi total - 06:37:24 UTC+02:02 9 km 68%
UA  Khmel’nyts’kyy, Khmelnytskyi total - 06:36:59 UTC+02:02 27 km 69%
UA  Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi total - 06:38:24 UTC+02:02 24 km 69%
UA  Starokostyantyniv, Khmelnytskyi total - 06:37:36 UTC+02:02 14 km 67%
UA  Polonne, Khmelnytskyi total - 06:38:17 UTC+02:02 5 km 69%
UA  Novohrad-Volyns’kyy, Zhytomyr total - 06:39:10 UTC+02:02 21 km 70%
UA  Baranovka, Zhytomyr total - 06:38:36 UTC+02:02 1 km 69%
UA  Korosten’, Zhytomyr total - 06:39:52 UTC+02:02 13 km 66%
UA  Ovruch, Zhytomyr total - 06:40:34 UTC+02:02 1 km 68%
UA  Malyn, Zhytomyr total - 06:39:33 UTC+02:02 59 km 65%
BY  Mazyr, Gomel total - 06:29:54 UTC+01:50 18 km 64%
BY  Kalinkavichy, Gomel total - 06:30:03 UTC+01:50 18 km 63%
BY  Svyetlahorsk, Gomel total - 06:31:02 UTC+01:50 22 km 63%
BY  Khoyniki, Gomel total - 06:29:38 UTC+01:50 33 km 65%
BY  Zhlobin, Gomel total - 06:31:33 UTC+01:50 18 km 67%
BY  Rahachow, Gomel total - 06:31:56 UTC+01:50 27 km 68%
BY  Bykhaw, Mogilev total - 06:32:46 UTC+01:50 37 km 72%
BY  Mahilyow, Mogilev total - 06:33:32 UTC+01:50 50 km 70%
BY  Rechytsa, Gomel total - 06:30:34 UTC+01:50 32 km 62%
BY  Dubrowna, Vitebsk total - 06:34:49 UTC+01:50 58 km 70%
BY  Kastsyukowka, Gomel total - 06:30:57 UTC+01:50 53 km 65%
BY  Chachersk, Gomel total - 06:31:40 UTC+01:50 33 km 66%
BY  Chavusy, Mogilev total - 06:33:23 UTC+01:50 7 km 73%
BY  Gomel, Gomel total - 06:30:45 UTC+01:50 62 km 63%
BY  Horki, Mogilev total - 06:34:18 UTC+01:50 28 km 77%
BY  Slawharad, Mogilev total - 06:32:41 UTC+01:50 12 km 74%
BY  Cherykaw, Mogilev total - 06:32:58 UTC+01:50 28 km 76%
BY  Krasnapollye, Mogilev total - 06:32:31 UTC+01:50 41 km 74%
BY  Krychaw, Mogilev total - 06:33:17 UTC+01:50 42 km 77%
BY  Mstsislaw, Mogilev total - 06:33:52 UTC+01:50 28 km 76%
BY  Klimavichy, Mogilev total - 06:33:06 UTC+01:50 61 km 75%
RU  Smolensk, Smolensk total - 07:15:39 UTC+02:30 14 km 75%
RU  Yartsevo, Smolensk total - 07:16:17 UTC+02:30 41 km 77%
RU  Nelidovo, Tverskaya total - 07:18:32 UTC+02:30 4 km 82%
RU  Murmashi, Murmansk total - 07:42:46 UTC+02:30 18 km 78%
RU  Monchegorsk, Murmansk total - 07:41:07 UTC+02:30 36 km 76%
RU  Murmansk, Murmansk total - 07:43:07 UTC+02:30 3 km 76%
RU  Ostashkov, Tverskaya total - 07:20:23 UTC+02:30 5 km 84%
RU  Valday, Novgorod total - 07:22:00 UTC+02:30 18 km 83%
RU  Olenegorsk, Murmansk total - 07:41:34 UTC+02:30 16 km 81%
RU  Gadzhiyevo, Murmansk total - 07:43:41 UTC+02:30 13 km 76%
RU  Apatity, Murmansk total - 07:40:30 UTC+02:30 22 km 76%
RU  Severomorsk, Murmansk total - 07:43:21 UTC+02:30 11 km 76%
RU  Tikhvin, Leningradskaya Oblast' total - 07:25:17 UTC+02:30 35 km 82%
RU  Lodeynoye Pole, Leningradskaya Oblast' total - 07:27:23 UTC+02:30 48 km 82%
RU  Boksitogorsk, Leningradskaya Oblast' total - 07:25:01 UTC+02:30 14 km 85%
RU  Borovichi, Novgorod total - 07:22:55 UTC+02:30 11 km 81%
RU  Bologoye, Tverskaya total - 07:21:58 UTC+02:30 33 km 83%
RU  Pikalëvo, Leningradskaya Oblast' total - 07:25:09 UTC+02:30 3 km 85%
RU  Podporozh’ye, Leningradskaya Oblast' total - 07:27:51 UTC+02:30 17 km 84%
RU  Kondopoga, Republic of Karelia total - 07:30:23 UTC+02:30 141 km 79%
RU  Segezha, Republic of Karelia total - 07:33:21 UTC+02:30 9 km 71%
RU  Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia total - 07:29:35 UTC+02:30 94 km 80%
RU  Medvezh’yegorsk, Republic of Karelia total - 07:31:47 UTC+02:30 5 km 79%