When is the next solar eclipse in Isle of Man?

IM The following table listens all solar eclipses, whose path is crossing Isle of Man. It is crucial that the eclipse path touches the country. Solar eclipses which can only be seen partital are not considdered in the table below. With other words: The following table shows all solar eclipses, whose totallity or annularity can be seen in Isle of Man.

Next solar eclipses




The next partial solar eclipse in Isle of Man is in 82 days on Saturday, 03/29/2025.




The next total solar eclipse in Isle of Man is in 46179 days on Monday, 06/14/2151.




The next annular solar eclipse in Isle of Man is in 25035 days on Thursday, 07/23/2093.

Future solar eclipses

Date Type Time of greatest eclipse Saros cycle Gamma Magnitude Width of eclipse path Maximum duration
07/23/2093 annular annular 12:32:04 147 0.5717 0.9463 241km 05m11s
06/14/2151 total total 17:13:45 149 0.6561 1.0569 249km 03m48s
04/14/2200 total total 15:49:57 132 0.5847 1.0165 69km 01m23s
10/02/2350 annular annular 11:14:07 159 0.7131 0.9568 222km 04m22s
07/22/2381 total total 11:25:02 142 0.4748 1.0777 285km 05m32s
04/11/2442 total total 10:14:04 136 0.8046 1.0248 142km 01m45s
05/05/2600 total total 06:53:54 167 0.9474 1.0552 579km 02m57s
04/05/2676 annular annular 07:35:27 169 0.9952 0.9336 0km 04m25s
05/30/2766 annular annular 19:36:02 169 0.6996 0.9686 158km 02m29s

Past solar eclipses

Date Type Time of greatest eclipse Saros cycle Gamma Magnitude Width of eclipse path Maximum duration
04/08/1652 total total 10:22:28 133 0.7713 1.0412 213km 02m49s
12/24/1601 annular annular 12:50:31 135 0.9402 0.9078 1051km 10m14s
03/07/1598 total total 10:10:01 133 0.8893 1.0214 156km 01m33s
11/12/1547 annular annular 12:54:24 135 0.9683 0.9106 1419km 08m59s
06/23/1191 annular annular 11:49:25 104 0.4833 0.9539 193km 04m28s
01/28/1180 annular annular 15:39:21 98 0.7267 0.9542 242km 05m08s
01/24/1023 total total 12:18:00 115 0.8869 1.0385 276km 03m00s
10/29/0878 total total 13:59:59 115 0.9411 1.0246 250km 01m50s
06/04/0764 annular annular 12:12:18 88 0.5199 0.9685 133km 02m55s
12/08/0698 annular annular 12:28:45 82 0.8799 0.912 707km 10m28s
05/01/0664 total total 16:59:55 97 0.4658 1.0501 187km 03m50s
07/02/0661 annular annular 07:07:22 105 0.8339 0.9692 203km 02m11s
07/23/0594 total total 08:52:46 84 0.5537 1.072 280km 04m58s
09/01/0536 annular annular 14:46:51 82 0.664 0.9466 258km 04m54s
03/29/0507 annular annular 14:20:55 76 0.6647 0.9356 318km 06m42s
11/20/0393 total total 12:03:39 97 0.864 1.0373 250km 03m05s
07/06/0297 annular annular 22:05:39 70 0.9379 0.9373 688km 04m12s
03/23/0228 total total 09:38:46 62 0.9363 1.0557 529km 03m27s
10/25/0105 annular annular 19:07:56 64 0.9657 0.9114 1299km 08m04s
06/13/-0287 annular annular 21:15:08 71 0.6341 0.9501 237km 04m22s