When is the next solar eclipse in Poland?

PL The following table listens all solar eclipses, whose path is crossing Poland. It is crucial that the eclipse path touches the country. Solar eclipses which can only be seen partital are not considdered in the table below. With other words: The following table shows all solar eclipses, whose totallity or annularity can be seen in Poland.

Next solar eclipses




The next partial solar eclipse in Poland is in 51 days on Saturday, 03/29/2025.




The next total solar eclipse in Poland is in 40419 days on Friday, 10/07/2135.




The next annular solar eclipse in Poland is in 18419 days on Saturday, 07/13/2075.

Future solar eclipses

Date Type Time of greatest eclipse Saros cycle Gamma Magnitude Width of eclipse path Maximum duration
07/13/2075 annular annular 06:05:44 147 0.6583 0.9467 262km 04m45s
07/23/2093 annular annular 12:32:04 147 0.5717 0.9463 241km 05m11s
10/07/2135 total total 09:00:03 136 0.4884 1.0603 224km 04m50s
05/25/2142 total total 09:32:37 130 0.5937 1.0449 187km 03m17s
02/10/2195 annular annular 06:34:27 153 0.9797 0.9218 0km 06m52s
04/14/2200 total total 15:49:57 132 0.5847 1.0165 69km 01m23s
05/16/2227 total total 08:21:31 151 0.6774 1.0135 63km 00m59s
08/21/2305 annular annular 10:35:44 140 0.5497 0.9637 155km 03m21s
03/19/2379 total total 10:31:47 155 0.6512 1.0409 177km 03m07s
07/22/2381 total total 11:25:02 142 0.4748 1.0777 285km 05m32s
09/02/2426 total total 09:48:47 161 0.6133 1.0709 291km 05m14s
11/05/2431 annular annular 12:45:40 140 0.9496 0.9242 902km 07m15s
04/20/2433 total total 11:01:32 155 0.545 1.0449 177km 03m21s
06/22/2457 annular annular 08:16:13 144 0.4979 0.9827 71km 01m32s
07/12/2466 annular annular 17:50:51 163 0.8461 0.9676 221km 02m18s
03/23/2536 total total 06:51:06 138 0.9435 1.0115 121km 00m46s
04/12/2545 hybrid hybrid 16:19:46 157 0.3942 1.0149 55km 01m17s
07/16/2596 annular annular 15:30:49 165 0.7487 0.9741 141km 02m00s
06/08/2681 total total 14:07:31 148 0.5953 1.0724 294km 04m54s
07/01/2717 total total 05:13:30 148 0.7368 1.0707 342km 04m20s

Past solar eclipses

Date Type Time of greatest eclipse Saros cycle Gamma Magnitude Width of eclipse path Maximum duration
06/30/1954 total total 12:32:38 126 0.6135 1.0357 153km 02m35s
08/19/1887 total total 05:32:05 143 0.6312 1.0518 221km 03m50s
07/28/1851 total total 14:33:42 143 0.7644 1.0577 296km 03m41s
07/08/1842 total total 07:06:27 124 0.4727 1.0543 204km 04m05s
05/15/1836 annular annular 14:01:39 135 0.47 0.9509 203km 04m47s
11/19/1816 total total 10:17:23 120 0.8408 1.0233 145km 02m00s
02/11/1804 hybrid hybrid 11:16:33 137 0.7053 1 0km 00m00s
09/05/1793 annular annular 11:47:24 141 0.7407 0.937 347km 06m02s
07/25/1748 annular annular 11:27:02 122 0.5183 0.9461 231km 05m12s
05/13/1733 total total 17:18:29 114 0.7712 1.0656 339km 04m06s
05/12/1706 total total 09:35:09 133 0.5984 1.0591 242km 04m06s
09/23/1699 hybrid hybrid 10:16:12 139 0.6999 1.0095 46km 00m49s
08/12/1654 total total 10:17:43 120 0.4962 1.0285 110km 02m16s
06/01/1639 annular annular 15:55:16 112 0.7597 0.993 38km 00m31s
11/12/1547 annular annular 12:54:24 135 0.9683 0.9106 1419km 08m59s
01/24/1544 hybrid hybrid 08:57:45 133 0.9533 1.0035 40km 00m16s
10/01/1502 annular annular 08:36:17 116 0.4913 0.9277 306km 08m16s
03/16/1485 total total 14:24:22 121 0.3345 1.0615 213km 04m53s
06/26/1424 total total 14:34:25 127 0.6425 1.0629 270km 04m14s
06/07/1415 total total 07:22:41 108 0.5827 1.0708 284km 04m51s