Total solar eclipse of 02/07/-0392

Total solar eclipse of 02/07/-0392
Day of week: Tuesday
Maximum duration of eclipse: 04m53s
Maximum width of eclipse path: 212 km
Saros cycle: 63
Coverage: 100%
Magnitude: 1.056
Gamma: 0.5057

How will be the weather during the total solar eclipse on 02/07/-0392?

Where is the best place to see the total solar eclipse of 02/07/-0392?
The following maps show the average cloud coverage for the day of the total solar eclipse. With the help of these maps, it is possible to find the place along the eclipse path, which has the best chance of a cloudless sky. Nevertheless, you should consider local circumstances and inform about the weather of your chosen observation site.

The data is provided by NASAs satellites AQUA and TERRA. The cloud maps are averaged over a period of 19 years (2000 - 2019).

Detailed country maps

worldmap El Salvador
worldmap Honduras
worldmap Cuba
worldmap Cayman Islands
worldmap The Bahamas

Cities inside the path of the eclipse

The following table shows all locations with a population of more than 5,000 inside the eclipse path. Cities which have more than 100,000 inhabitants are marked bold. A click at the locations opens a detailed map.

City Type Eclipse duration Local time of max. eclipse Distance to central line Ø Cloud coverage
SV  Acajutla, Sonsonate total - 11:48:05 UTC-05:56 89 km 18%
SV  Juayúa, Sonsonate total - 11:48:40 UTC-05:56 105 km 31%
SV  San Antonio del Monte, Sonsonate total - 11:48:29 UTC-05:56 93 km 29%
SV  Nahuizalco, Sonsonate total - 11:48:35 UTC-05:56 99 km 31%
SV  Sonsonate, Sonsonate total - 11:48:31 UTC-05:56 93 km 29%
SV  Sonzacate, Sonsonate total - 11:48:34 UTC-05:56 93 km 29%
SV  Santa Ana, Santa Ana total - 11:49:20 UTC-05:56 105 km 33%
SV  Armenia, Sonsonate total - 11:49:05 UTC-05:56 79 km 33%
SV  El Congo, Santa Ana total - 11:49:21 UTC-05:56 93 km 29%
SV  Ciudad Arce, La Libertad total - 11:49:21 UTC-05:56 84 km 29%
SV  San Juan Opico, La Libertad total - 11:49:37 UTC-05:56 80 km 29%
SV  La Libertad, La Libertad total - 11:49:06 UTC-05:56 45 km 22%
SV  Nueva Concepción, Chalatenango total - 11:50:09 UTC-05:56 98 km 25%
SV  Zaragoza, La Libertad total - 11:49:20 UTC-05:56 51 km 32%
SV  Quezaltepeque, La Libertad total - 11:49:45 UTC-05:56 71 km 30%
SV  Aguilares, San Salvador total - 11:50:08 UTC-05:56 75 km 24%
SV  San Salvador, San Salvador total - 11:49:43 UTC-05:56 53 km 31%
SV  Panchimalco, San Salvador total - 11:49:37 UTC-05:56 46 km 31%
SV  Guazapa, San Salvador total - 11:50:03 UTC-05:56 67 km 27%
SV  Santo Tomás, San Salvador total - 11:49:46 UTC-05:56 45 km 31%
SV  Santiago Nonualco, La Paz total - 11:50:00 UTC-05:56 21 km 31%
HN  San Marcos, Ocotepeque total - 11:59:19 UTC-05:48 96 km 50%
SV  Cojutepeque, Cuscatlán total - 11:50:21 UTC-05:56 37 km 33%
SV  Chalatenango, Chalatenango total - 11:50:51 UTC-05:56 64 km 24%
SV  Zacatecoluca, La Paz total - 11:50:10 UTC-05:56 14 km 31%
SV  San Sebastián, San Vicente total - 11:50:37 UTC-05:56 31 km 30%
SV  San Vicente, San Vicente total - 11:50:32 UTC-05:56 21 km 31%
SV  Sensuntepeque, Cabañas total - 11:51:17 UTC-05:56 29 km 28%
SV  Jiquilisco, Usulután total - 11:50:32 UTC-05:56 21 km 17%
HN  Gracias, Lempira total - 12:00:28 UTC-05:48 86 km 53%
SV  Puerto El Triunfo, Usulután total - 11:50:34 UTC-05:56 27 km 17%
SV  Berlín, Usulután total - 11:50:56 UTC-05:56 9 km 28%
SV  Santiago de María, Usulután total - 11:51:04 UTC-05:56 16 km 28%
SV  Usulután, Usulután total - 11:50:54 UTC-05:56 28 km 27%
SV  Jucuapa, Usulután total - 11:51:19 UTC-05:56 19 km 29%
SV  El Tránsito, San Miguel total - 11:51:08 UTC-05:56 35 km 24%
SV  Chinameca, San Miguel total - 11:51:22 UTC-05:56 22 km 29%
SV  Ciudad Barrios, San Miguel total - 11:51:58 UTC-05:56 6 km 32%
HN  Santa Bárbara, Santa Bárbara total - 12:01:46 UTC-05:48 88 km 65%
SV  San Miguel, San Miguel total - 11:51:43 UTC-05:56 36 km 23%
HN  Intibucá, Intibucá total - 12:00:59 UTC-05:48 33 km 39%
SV  San Francisco, Morazán total - 11:52:15 UTC-05:56 23 km 23%
HN  Las Vegas, Santa Barbara, Santa Bárbara total - 12:02:04 UTC-05:48 73 km 63%
HN  Marcala, La Paz total - 12:01:02 UTC-05:48 10 km 49%
HN  Jesús de Otoro, Intibucá total - 12:01:40 UTC-05:48 34 km 49%
HN  Pimienta Vieja, Cortés total - 12:02:52 UTC-05:48 95 km 62%
HN  Potrerillos, Cortés total - 12:02:52 UTC-05:48 95 km 62%
HN  San Manuel, Cortés total - 12:03:08 UTC-05:48 100 km 64%
HN  Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortés total - 12:02:38 UTC-05:48 70 km 62%
SV  Santa Rosa de Lima, La Unión total - 11:52:36 UTC-05:56 44 km 22%
HN  Agua Blanca Sur, Yoro total - 12:03:05 UTC-05:48 90 km 64%
SV  La Unión, La Unión total - 11:52:16 UTC-05:56 72 km 14%
HN  Siguatepeque, Comayagua total - 12:02:11 UTC-05:48 33 km 57%
HN  El Progreso, Yoro total - 12:03:30 UTC-05:48 97 km 71%
HN  La Alianza, Valle total - 12:00:45 UTC-05:48 66 km 22%
HN  El Negrito, Yoro total - 12:03:36 UTC-05:48 83 km 63%
HN  Ajuterique, Comayagua total - 12:02:10 UTC-05:48 5 km 43%
HN  La Paz, La Paz total - 12:02:06 UTC-05:48 1 km 40%
HN  Mezapa, Atlántida total - 12:04:07 UTC-05:48 101 km 73%
HN  Comayagua, Comayagua total - 12:02:24 UTC-05:48 7 km 50%
HN  Villa de San Antonio, Comayagua total - 12:02:15 UTC-05:48 6 km 43%
HN  Morazán, Yoro total - 12:03:49 UTC-05:48 76 km 67%
HN  Nacaome, Valle total - 12:01:19 UTC-05:48 81 km 23%
HN  San Lorenzo, Valle total - 12:01:14 UTC-05:48 93 km 24%
HN  Santa Rita, Yoro total - 12:04:18 UTC-05:48 40 km 65%
HN  San Juan Pueblo, Atlántida total - 12:05:03 UTC-05:48 71 km 75%
HN  Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán total - 12:02:49 UTC-05:48 55 km 50%
HN  Yoro, Yoro total - 12:04:37 UTC-05:48 27 km 68%
HN  Talanga, Francisco Morazán total - 12:03:35 UTC-05:48 37 km 64%
HN  Villa de San Francisco, Francisco Morazán total - 12:03:29 UTC-05:48 65 km 65%
HN  Guaimaca, Francisco Morazán total - 12:04:23 UTC-05:48 46 km 72%
HN  La Ceiba, Atlántida total - 12:06:20 UTC-05:48 53 km 64%
HN  Campamento, Olancho total - 12:04:47 UTC-05:48 56 km 72%
HN  Olanchito, Yoro total - 12:06:22 UTC-05:48 15 km 56%
HN  Coxen Hole, Bay Islands total - 12:07:42 UTC-05:48 81 km 48%
HN  Sabá, Colón total - 12:07:04 UTC-05:48 10 km 66%
HN  Juticalpa, Olancho total - 12:05:56 UTC-05:48 78 km 69%
HN  San Francisco de la Paz, Olancho total - 12:06:19 UTC-05:48 60 km 71%
HN  Tocoa, Colón total - 12:07:57 UTC-05:48 10 km 62%
HN  Trujillo, Colón total - 12:08:24 UTC-05:48 6 km 58%
KY  West Bay, West Bay total - 12:52:02 UTC-05:19 51 km 51%
KY  George Town, George Town total - 12:52:01 UTC-05:19 60 km 56%
KY  Bodden Town, Bodden Town total - 12:52:15 UTC-05:19 70 km 58%
KY  North Side, North Side total - 12:52:27 UTC-05:19 68 km 54%
KY  East End, East End total - 12:52:33 UTC-05:19 78 km 54%
CU  Cumanayagua, Cienfuegos total - 12:47:52 UTC-05:29 80 km 54%
CU  Ranchuelo, Villa Clara total - 12:48:14 UTC-05:29 93 km 60%
CU  Esperanza, Villa Clara total - 12:48:25 UTC-05:29 95 km 60%
CU  Topes de Collantes, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:47:56 UTC-05:29 48 km 59%
CU  Trinidad, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:47:52 UTC-05:29 36 km 42%
CU  Manicaragua, Villa Clara total - 12:48:17 UTC-05:29 63 km 58%
CU  Santa Clara, Villa Clara total - 12:48:37 UTC-05:29 82 km 61%
CU  Calabazar de Sagua, Villa Clara total - 12:49:01 UTC-05:29 96 km 67%
CU  Encrucijada, Villa Clara total - 12:49:03 UTC-05:29 92 km 67%
CU  Condado, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:48:14 UTC-05:29 32 km 53%
CU  Camajuaní, Villa Clara total - 12:49:07 UTC-05:29 73 km 64%
CU  Fomento, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:48:43 UTC-05:29 41 km 65%
CU  Placetas, Villa Clara total - 12:49:05 UTC-05:29 52 km 69%
CU  Remedios, Villa Clara total - 12:49:30 UTC-05:29 59 km 58%
CU  Cabaiguán, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:49:07 UTC-05:29 23 km 67%
CU  Caibarién, Villa Clara total - 12:49:41 UTC-05:29 55 km 58%
CU  Guayos, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:49:09 UTC-05:29 18 km 67%
CU  Sancti Spíritus, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:49:02 UTC-05:29 7 km 58%
CU  Zaza del Medio, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:49:16 UTC-05:29 7 km 65%
CU  La Sierpe, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:49:11 UTC-05:29 18 km 62%
CU  Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:49:53 UTC-05:29 23 km 70%
CU  Jatibonico, Sancti Spíritus total - 12:49:34 UTC-05:29 12 km 67%
CU  Florencia, Ciego de Ávila total - 12:50:10 UTC-05:29 10 km 67%
CU  Chambas, Ciego de Ávila total - 12:50:20 UTC-05:29 11 km 68%
CU  Venezuela, Ciego de Ávila total - 12:50:02 UTC-05:29 56 km 56%
CU  Ciego de Ávila, Ciego de Ávila total - 12:50:12 UTC-05:29 50 km 63%
CU  Ciro Redondo, Ciego de Ávila total - 12:50:31 UTC-05:29 40 km 70%
CU  Morón, Ciego de Ávila total - 12:50:46 UTC-05:29 39 km 68%
CU  Baraguá, Ciego de Ávila total - 12:50:16 UTC-05:29 72 km 65%
CU  Primero de Enero, Ciego de Ávila total - 12:50:56 UTC-05:29 66 km 66%
CU  Esmeralda, Camagüey total - 12:51:24 UTC-05:29 96 km 66%
BS  Black Point, Black Point total - 18:26:32 UTC+00:00 44 km 55%
BS  Governor’s Harbour, Central Eleuthera total - 18:27:51 UTC+00:00 30 km 58%
BS  Arthur’s Town, Cat Island total - 13:18:46 UTC-05:09 53 km 56%