Total solar eclipse of 09/09/-1706

Total solar eclipse of 09/09/-1706
Day of week: Friday
Maximum duration of eclipse: 05m11s
Maximum width of eclipse path: 189 km
Saros cycle: 17
Coverage: 100%
Magnitude: 1.0563
Gamma: -0.1846

Wo kann man die Sonnenfinsternis vom 09/09/-1706 sehen?

Die Sonnenfinsternis am 09/09/-1706 kann man in 46 Ländern als partielle Sonnenfinsternis beobachten.
Der Finsternispfad verläuft durch 5 Länder. Nur in diesen Ländern ist sie als total Sonnenfinsternis zu sehen.

In den folgenden Ländern ist die Sonnenfinsternis total zu sehen

worldmap Kiribati
worldmap Peru
worldmap Brazil
worldmap Bolivia
worldmap Paraguay

In den folgenden Ländern ist die Sonnenfinsternis partiell zu sehen

How will be the weather during the total solar eclipse on 09/09/-1706?

Where is the best place to see the total solar eclipse of 09/09/-1706?
The following maps show the average cloud coverage for the day of the total solar eclipse. With the help of these maps, it is possible to find the place along the eclipse path, which has the best chance of a cloudless sky. Nevertheless, you should consider local circumstances and inform about the weather of your chosen observation site.

The data is provided by NASAs satellites AQUA and TERRA. The cloud maps are averaged over a period of 19 years (2000 - 2019).

Detailed country maps

worldmap Kiribati
worldmap Peru
worldmap Brazil
worldmap Bolivia
worldmap Paraguay

Cities inside the path of the eclipse

The following table shows all locations with a population of more than 5,000 inside the eclipse path. Cities which have more than 100,000 inhabitants are marked bold. A click at the locations opens a detailed map.

City Type Eclipse duration Local time of max. eclipse Distance to central line Ø Cloud coverage
PE  Paramonga, Lima region total - 14:27:27 UTC-05:08 80 km 89%
PE  Pativilca, Lima region total - 14:27:34 UTC-05:08 79 km 89%
PE  Barranca, Lima region total - 14:27:38 UTC-05:08 75 km 89%
PE  Puerto Supe, Lima region total - 14:27:43 UTC-05:08 72 km 83%
PE  Supe, Lima region total - 14:27:46 UTC-05:08 74 km 83%
PE  Végueta, Lima region total - 14:28:05 UTC-05:08 55 km 75%
PE  Caleta de Carquín, Lima region total - 14:28:11 UTC-05:08 49 km 78%
PE  Hualmay, Lima region total - 14:28:12 UTC-05:08 50 km 78%
PE  Huacho, Lima region total - 14:28:13 UTC-05:08 49 km 78%
PE  Huaura, Lima region total - 14:28:12 UTC-05:08 53 km 78%
PE  Chancay, Lima region total - 14:29:12 UTC-05:08 21 km 92%
PE  Huaral, Lima region total - 14:29:14 UTC-05:08 32 km 78%
PE  Sayán, Lima region total - 14:28:57 UTC-05:08 68 km 16%
PE  Callao, Callao total - 14:29:51 UTC-05:08 18 km 90%
PE  San Isidro, Lima region total - 14:30:00 UTC-05:08 21 km 90%
PE  Lima, Lima Province total - 14:29:59 UTC-05:08 12 km 73%
PE  Santiago de Surco, Lima region total - 14:30:06 UTC-05:08 20 km 83%
PE  San Luis, Lima region total - 14:30:04 UTC-05:08 14 km 83%
PE  Santa María, Lima region total - 14:30:11 UTC-05:08 2 km 48%
PE  San Bartolo, Lima region total - 14:30:40 UTC-05:08 33 km 83%
PE  Chilca, Lima region total - 14:30:51 UTC-05:08 44 km 77%
PE  Chosica, Lima region total - 14:30:26 UTC-05:08 14 km 9%
PE  Asentamiento Humano Nicolas de Pierola, Lima region total - 14:30:26 UTC-05:08 15 km 9%
PE  Santa Eulalia, Lima region total - 14:30:28 UTC-05:08 21 km 9%
PE  Mala, Lima region total - 14:31:08 UTC-05:08 52 km 82%
PE  San Vicente de Cañete, Lima region total - 14:31:51 UTC-05:08 80 km 82%
PE  Quilmaná, Lima region total - 14:31:45 UTC-05:08 67 km 65%
PE  Imperial, Lima region total - 14:31:53 UTC-05:08 77 km 82%
PE  Nuevo Imperial, Lima region total - 14:31:57 UTC-05:08 77 km 66%
PE  Morococha, Junín Region total - 14:31:05 UTC-05:08 77 km 56%
PE  Chupaca, Junín Region total - 14:32:49 UTC-05:08 75 km 44%
PE  Sicaya, Junín Region total - 14:32:48 UTC-05:08 79 km 40%
PE  Pilcomay, Junín Region total - 14:32:51 UTC-05:08 79 km 48%
PE  Huayucachi, Junín Region total - 14:32:57 UTC-05:08 71 km 43%
PE  Huancayo, Junín Region total - 14:32:57 UTC-05:08 79 km 43%
PE  Huancavelica, Huancavelica total - 14:33:51 UTC-05:08 21 km 54%
PE  Pampas, Huancavelica total - 14:33:43 UTC-05:08 64 km 49%
PE  Huanta, Ayacucho total - 14:35:04 UTC-05:08 42 km 35%
PE  Ayacucho, Ayacucho total - 14:35:16 UTC-05:08 21 km 41%
PE  San Miguel, Ayacucho total - 14:35:32 UTC-05:08 48 km 60%
PE  Talavera, Apurímac total - 14:36:47 UTC-05:08 12 km 55%
PE  Andahuaylas, Apurímac total - 14:36:51 UTC-05:08 13 km 55%
PE  San Jerónimo, Apurímac total - 14:36:53 UTC-05:08 15 km 55%
PE  Abancay, Apurímac total - 14:37:34 UTC-05:08 40 km 51%
PE  Sicuani, Cusco total - 14:40:16 UTC-05:08 57 km 34%
PE  Ayaviri, Puno total - 14:41:28 UTC-05:08 25 km 24%
PE  Azángaro, Puno total - 14:41:59 UTC-05:08 42 km 19%
PE  Atuncolla, Puno total - 14:42:29 UTC-05:08 34 km 23%
PE  Juliaca, Puno total - 14:42:24 UTC-05:08 15 km 20%
PE  Puno, Puno total - 14:42:44 UTC-05:08 44 km 18%
PE  Ilave, Puno total - 14:43:18 UTC-05:08 52 km 18%
PE  Juli, Puno total - 14:43:38 UTC-05:08 55 km 18%
PE  Putina, Puno total - 14:43:16 UTC-05:08 20 km 17%
PE  Yunguyo, Puno total - 14:44:05 UTC-05:08 42 km 20%
PE  Desaguadero, Puno total - 15:20:18 UTC-04:32 72 km 15%
BO  San Pedro, La Paz total - 15:20:22 UTC-04:32 30 km 16%
BO  Achacachi, La Paz total - 15:20:28 UTC-04:32 4 km 22%
BO  La Paz, La Paz total - 15:21:19 UTC-04:32 25 km 22%
BO  Capinota, Cochabamba total - 15:23:56 UTC-04:32 65 km 17%
BO  Cochabamba, Cochabamba total - 15:23:55 UTC-04:32 28 km 18%
BO  Tarata, Cochabamba total - 15:24:09 UTC-04:32 44 km 17%
BO  Cliza, Cochabamba total - 15:24:14 UTC-04:32 38 km 17%
BO  Punata, Cochabamba total - 15:24:19 UTC-04:32 29 km 20%
BO  Mizque, Cochabamba total - 15:24:59 UTC-04:32 49 km 17%
BO  Aiquile, Cochabamba total - 15:25:14 UTC-04:32 69 km 16%
BO  Chimoré, Cochabamba total - 15:24:49 UTC-04:32 55 km 63%
BO  Vallegrande, Santa Cruz total - 15:26:23 UTC-04:32 54 km 32%
BO  Villa Yapacaní, Santa Cruz total - 15:26:17 UTC-04:32 69 km 59%
BO  Santiago del Torno, Santa Cruz total - 15:26:55 UTC-04:32 28 km 45%
BO  Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Santa Cruz total - 15:27:02 UTC-04:32 57 km 52%
BO  Cotoca, Santa Cruz total - 15:27:10 UTC-04:32 59 km 50%
BO  San Julian, Santa Cruz total - 15:27:20 UTC-04:32 70 km 52%
BR  Jardim, Mato Grosso do Sul total - 16:27:24 UTC-03:38 61 km 39%
BR  Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul total - 16:27:30 UTC-03:38 57 km 38%
BR  Maracaju, Mato Grosso do Sul total - 16:28:00 UTC-03:38 42 km 41%
BR  Presidente Epitácio, São Paulo total - 17:01:38 UTC-03:06 43 km 34%
BR  Presidente Venceslau, São Paulo total - 17:01:46 UTC-03:06 40 km 33%
BR  Pirapozinho, São Paulo total - 17:01:56 UTC-03:06 9 km 37%
BR  Álvares Machado, São Paulo total - 17:01:57 UTC-03:06 30 km 35%
BR  Presidente Prudente, São Paulo total - 17:01:59 UTC-03:06 28 km 35%
BR  Rancharia, São Paulo total - 17:02:12 UTC-03:06 32 km 34%
BR  Cornélio Procópio, Paraná total - 17:02:19 UTC-03:06 61 km 40%
BR  Paraguaçu Paulista, São Paulo total - 17:02:21 UTC-03:06 23 km 34%
BR  Assis, São Paulo total - 17:02:25 UTC-03:06 1 km 35%
BR  Cândido Mota, São Paulo total - 17:02:26 UTC-03:06 7 km 35%
BR  Bandeirantes, Paraná total - 17:02:26 UTC-03:06 45 km 36%
BR  Santo Antônio da Platina, Paraná total - 17:02:33 UTC-03:06 56 km 41%
BR  Jacarezinho, Paraná total - 17:02:35 UTC-03:06 38 km 40%
BR  Marília, São Paulo total - 17:02:36 UTC-03:06 63 km 38%
BR  Ourinhos, São Paulo total - 17:02:38 UTC-03:06 16 km 39%
BR  Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, São Paulo total - 17:02:44 UTC-03:06 0 km 40%
BR  Piraju, São Paulo total - 17:02:49 UTC-03:06 24 km 39%
BR  Taquarituba, São Paulo total - 17:02:51 UTC-03:06 56 km 43%
BR  Itaí, São Paulo total - 17:02:55 UTC-03:06 39 km 42%
BR  Agudos, São Paulo total - 17:02:59 UTC-03:06 65 km 40%
BR  Avaré, São Paulo total - 17:02:59 UTC-03:06 1 km 43%
BR  Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo total - 17:03:03 UTC-03:06 56 km 40%
BR  São Manuel, São Paulo total - 17:03:08 UTC-03:06 49 km 41%
BR  Botucatu, São Paulo total - 17:03:10 UTC-03:06 36 km 39%
BR  Itapetininga, São Paulo total - 17:03:17 UTC-03:06 28 km 43%
BR  Tatuí, São Paulo total - 17:03:21 UTC-03:06 3 km 42%
BR  Cerquilho, São Paulo total - 17:03:24 UTC-03:06 27 km 40%
BR  Boituva, São Paulo total - 17:03:25 UTC-03:06 16 km 41%
BR  Rio das Pedras, São Paulo total - 17:03:27 UTC-03:06 65 km 38%
BR  Salto de Pirapora, São Paulo total - 17:03:26 UTC-03:06 20 km 42%
BR  Porto Feliz, São Paulo total - 17:03:28 UTC-03:06 28 km 40%
BR  Capivari, São Paulo total - 17:03:29 UTC-03:06 52 km 40%
BR  Sorocaba, São Paulo total - 17:03:28 UTC-03:06 1 km 40%
BR  Piedade, São Paulo total - 17:03:28 UTC-03:06 23 km 46%
BR  Monte Mor, São Paulo total - 17:03:32 UTC-03:06 62 km 37%
BR  Itu, São Paulo total - 17:03:32 UTC-03:06 29 km 40%
BR  Ibiúna, São Paulo total - 17:03:32 UTC-03:06 11 km 50%
BR  Indaiatuba, São Paulo total - 17:03:34 UTC-03:06 50 km 40%
BR  São Roque, São Paulo total - 17:03:34 UTC-03:06 5 km 43%
BR  Cabreúva, São Paulo total - 17:03:35 UTC-03:06 29 km 41%
BR  Vinhedo, São Paulo total - 17:03:39 UTC-03:06 63 km 39%
BR  Cotia, São Paulo total - 17:03:38 UTC-03:06 3 km 48%
BR  Santana de Parnaíba, São Paulo total - 17:03:39 UTC-03:06 20 km 44%
BR  Jundiaí, São Paulo total - 17:03:40 UTC-03:06 49 km 40%
BR  Embu Guaçu, São Paulo total - 17:03:39 UTC-03:06 18 km 54%
BR  Osasco, São Paulo total - 17:03:40 UTC-03:06 14 km 43%
BR  Itanhaém, São Paulo total - 17:03:38 UTC-03:06 55 km 69%
BR  Francisco Morato, São Paulo total - 17:03:42 UTC-03:06 43 km 42%
BR  São Paulo, São Paulo total - 17:03:43 UTC-03:06 17 km 45%
BR  Mongaguá, São Paulo total - 17:03:41 UTC-03:06 41 km 68%
BR  Mairiporã, São Paulo total - 17:03:45 UTC-03:06 43 km 42%
BR  São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo total - 17:03:44 UTC-03:06 3 km 49%
BR  Atibaia, São Paulo total - 17:03:46 UTC-03:06 66 km 39%
BR  Ribeirão Pires, São Paulo total - 17:03:46 UTC-03:06 6 km 58%
BR  Itaquaquecetuba, São Paulo total - 17:03:48 UTC-03:06 32 km 48%
BR  Santos, São Paulo total - 17:03:47 UTC-03:06 19 km 68%
BR  Santa Isabel, São Paulo total - 17:03:51 UTC-03:06 53 km 48%
BR  Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo total - 17:03:51 UTC-03:06 32 km 47%
BR  Bertioga, São Paulo total - 17:03:50 UTC-03:06 2 km 65%
BR  Biritiba Mirim, São Paulo total - 17:03:53 UTC-03:06 31 km 58%
BR  Guararema, São Paulo total - 17:03:54 UTC-03:06 48 km 47%
BR  Jacareí, São Paulo total - 17:03:55 UTC-03:06 62 km 47%
BR  Caraguatatuba, São Paulo total - 17:04:03 UTC-03:06 43 km 63%
BR  São Sebastião, São Paulo total - 17:04:02 UTC-03:06 28 km 62%