Total solar eclipse of 11/03/1994

100 people have seen this solar eclipse.

Total solar eclipse of 11/03/1994
Day of week: Thursday
Maximum duration of eclipse: 04m23s
Maximum width of eclipse path: 189 km
Saros cycle: 133
Coverage: 100%
Magnitude: 1.0535
Gamma: -0.3522

Wo kann man die Sonnenfinsternis vom 11/03/1994 sehen?

Die Sonnenfinsternis am 11/03/1994 kann man in 47 Ländern als partielle Sonnenfinsternis beobachten.
Der Finsternispfad verläuft durch 7 Länder. Nur in diesen Ländern ist sie als total Sonnenfinsternis zu sehen.

In den folgenden Ländern ist die Sonnenfinsternis total zu sehen

worldmap Chile
worldmap Peru
worldmap Brazil
worldmap Argentina
worldmap Bolivia
worldmap Paraguay
worldmap Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

In den folgenden Ländern ist die Sonnenfinsternis partiell zu sehen

How will be the weather during the total solar eclipse on 11/03/1994?

Where is the best place to see the total solar eclipse of 11/03/1994?
The following maps show the average cloud coverage for the day of the total solar eclipse. With the help of these maps, it is possible to find the place along the eclipse path, which has the best chance of a cloudless sky. Nevertheless, you should consider local circumstances and inform about the weather of your chosen observation site.

The data is provided by NASAs satellites AQUA and TERRA. The cloud maps are averaged over a period of 19 years (2000 - 2019).

Detailed country maps

worldmap Chile
worldmap Peru
worldmap Brazil
worldmap Argentina
worldmap Bolivia
worldmap Paraguay
worldmap Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

Cities inside the path of the eclipse

The following table shows all locations with a population of more than 5,000 inside the eclipse path. Cities which have more than 100,000 inhabitants are marked bold. A click at the locations opens a detailed map.

City Type Eclipse duration Local time of max. eclipse Distance to central line Ø Cloud coverage
PE  Minas de Marcona, Ica total - 07:12:35 UTC-05:00 39 km 25%
PE  Camaná, Arequipa total - 07:15:40 UTC-05:00 6 km 64%
PE  Mollendo, Arequipa total - 07:16:37 UTC-05:00 2 km 70%
PE  Punta de Bombón, Arequipa total - 07:16:57 UTC-05:00 6 km 72%
PE  Cocachacra, Arequipa total - 07:16:52 UTC-05:00 4 km 68%
PE  Arequipa, Arequipa total - 07:16:08 UTC-05:00 83 km 15%
PE  Ilo, Moquegua total - 07:17:51 UTC-05:00 32 km 55%
PE  Pacocha, Moquegua total - 07:17:47 UTC-05:00 26 km 55%
PE  Moquegua, Moquegua total - 07:17:34 UTC-05:00 31 km 12%
PE  Torata, Moquegua total - 07:17:28 UTC-05:00 48 km 11%
PE  Ilabaya, Tacna total - 07:18:09 UTC-05:00 29 km 11%
CL  Arica, Arica y Parinacota total - 09:19:41 UTC-03:00 66 km 31%
PE  Tacna, Tacna total - 07:19:07 UTC-05:00 18 km 21%
BO  Colchani, Potosí total - 08:24:56 UTC-04:00 82 km 8%
BO  Challapata, Oruro total - 08:23:08 UTC-04:00 63 km 18%
BO  Potosí, Potosí total - 08:25:00 UTC-04:00 47 km 37%
BO  Yacuiba, Tarija total - 08:30:33 UTC-04:00 87 km 59%
BO  Villamontes, Tarija total - 08:29:40 UTC-04:00 3 km 61%
PY  Filadelfia, Boquerón total - 09:35:09 UTC-03:00 68 km 64%
PY  Colonia Menno, Boquerón total - 09:35:28 UTC-03:00 76 km 64%
PY  Nanawa, Presidente Hayes total - 09:42:39 UTC-03:00 92 km 51%
PY  Asunción, Asunción total - 09:42:45 UTC-03:00 93 km 54%
PY  Benjamín Aceval, Presidente Hayes total - 09:42:19 UTC-03:00 58 km 52%
PY  Colonia Mariano Roque Alonso, Central total - 09:42:39 UTC-03:00 76 km 54%
PY  Villa Hayes, Presidente Hayes total - 09:42:35 UTC-03:00 68 km 52%
PY  Fernando de la Mora, Central total - 09:42:58 UTC-03:00 91 km 55%
PY  San Lorenzo, Central total - 09:42:59 UTC-03:00 91 km 55%
PY  Limpio, Central total - 09:42:44 UTC-03:00 73 km 54%
PY  Capiatá, Central total - 09:43:05 UTC-03:00 89 km 53%
PY  Areguá, Central total - 09:43:06 UTC-03:00 82 km 51%
PY  Emboscada, Cordillera total - 09:42:54 UTC-03:00 64 km 50%
PY  Itauguá, Central total - 09:43:17 UTC-03:00 86 km 54%
PY  Ypacarai, Central total - 09:43:23 UTC-03:00 86 km 54%
PY  Caacupé, Cordillera total - 09:43:33 UTC-03:00 76 km 56%
PY  San Pedro de Ycuamandiyú, San Pedro total - 09:41:36 UTC-03:00 51 km 57%
PY  Puerto Rosario, San Pedro total - 09:42:10 UTC-03:00 16 km 53%
PY  Tobatí, Cordillera total - 09:43:26 UTC-03:00 59 km 55%
PY  Piribebuy, Cordillera total - 09:43:49 UTC-03:00 81 km 56%
PY  Eusebio Ayala, Cordillera total - 09:43:48 UTC-03:00 69 km 57%
PY  San José, Caaguazú total - 09:44:20 UTC-03:00 69 km 53%
PY  Coronel Oviedo, Caaguazú total - 09:44:36 UTC-03:00 46 km 54%
PY  Villarrica, Guairá total - 09:45:05 UTC-03:00 75 km 55%
PY  Caaguazú, Caaguazú total - 09:45:12 UTC-03:00 25 km 59%
PY  San Juan Nepomuceno, Caazapá total - 09:46:18 UTC-03:00 84 km 53%
PY  Repatriación, Caaguazú total - 09:45:26 UTC-03:00 29 km 59%
PY  Colonia General Alfredo Stroessner, Caaguazú total - 09:45:32 UTC-03:00 0 km 61%
PY  San Isidro de Curuguaty, Canindeyú total - 09:44:12 UTC-03:00 81 km 62%
PY  Doctor Juan León Mallorquín, Alto Paraná total - 09:46:12 UTC-03:00 19 km 58%
PY  Arquitecto Tomás Romero Pereira, Itapúa total - 09:47:55 UTC-03:00 84 km 58%
PY  Santa Rita, Alto Paraná total - 09:47:05 UTC-03:00 8 km 59%
AR  El Alcázar, Misiones Province total - 09:48:55 UTC-03:00 84 km 52%
AR  Montecarlo, Misiones Province total - 09:48:46 UTC-03:00 67 km 51%
AR  Puerto Piray, Misiones Province total - 09:48:41 UTC-03:00 55 km 53%
AR  Puerto Eldorado, Misiones Province total - 09:48:37 UTC-03:00 49 km 52%
AR  Puerto Esperanza, Misiones Province total - 09:48:02 UTC-03:00 10 km 57%
AR  Puerto Libertad, Misiones Province total - 09:47:57 UTC-03:00 2 km 57%
PY  Presidente Franco, Alto Paraná total - 09:47:22 UTC-03:00 39 km 57%
PY  Ciudad del Este, Alto Paraná total - 09:47:20 UTC-03:00 42 km 57%
BR  Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná total - 10:47:25 UTC-02:00 39 km 57%
AR  Puerto Iguazú, Misiones Province total - 09:47:32 UTC-03:00 35 km 56%
AR  Colonia Wanda, Misiones Province total - 09:48:20 UTC-03:00 7 km 57%
BR  São Miguel do Iguaçu, Paraná total - 10:47:38 UTC-02:00 76 km 58%
AR  San Vicente, Misiones Province total - 09:49:46 UTC-03:00 40 km 57%
AR  San Pedro, Misiones Province total - 09:49:49 UTC-03:00 39 km 57%
BR  Medianeira, Paraná total - 10:47:46 UTC-02:00 89 km 60%
AR  Bernardo de Irigoyen, Misiones Province total - 09:49:57 UTC-03:00 20 km 60%
BR  Frederico Westphalen, Rio Grande do Sul total - 10:52:03 UTC-02:00 73 km 55%
BR  Francisco Beltrão, Paraná total - 10:50:35 UTC-02:00 66 km 58%
BR  São Lourenço dOeste, Santa Catarina total - 10:51:20 UTC-02:00 50 km 59%
BR  Pato Branco, Paraná total - 10:51:25 UTC-02:00 72 km 60%
BR  Chapecó, Santa Catarina total - 10:52:51 UTC-02:00 9 km 57%
BR  Xanxerê, Santa Catarina total - 10:52:51 UTC-02:00 23 km 61%
BR  Erechim, Rio Grande do Sul total - 10:54:14 UTC-02:00 43 km 58%
BR  Concórdia, Santa Catarina total - 10:54:00 UTC-02:00 8 km 57%
BR  Palmas, Paraná total - 10:52:53 UTC-02:00 82 km 62%
BR  Capinzal, Santa Catarina total - 10:54:50 UTC-02:00 18 km 56%
BR  Lagoa Vermelha, Rio Grande do Sul total - 10:56:20 UTC-02:00 60 km 58%
BR  Joaçaba, Santa Catarina total - 10:54:45 UTC-02:00 40 km 57%
BR  Celso Ramos, Santa Catarina total - 10:55:44 UTC-02:00 4 km 58%
BR  Campos Novos, Santa Catarina total - 10:55:33 UTC-02:00 32 km 61%
BR  Videira, Santa Catarina total - 10:55:04 UTC-02:00 74 km 62%
BR  Estrela, Rio Grande do Sul total - 10:57:03 UTC-02:00 17 km 60%
BR  Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul total - 10:57:46 UTC-02:00 60 km 58%
BR  Curitibanos, Santa Catarina total - 10:56:26 UTC-02:00 76 km 67%
BR  Lages, Santa Catarina total - 10:57:41 UTC-02:00 37 km 65%
BR  São Joaquim, Santa Catarina total - 10:59:05 UTC-02:00 11 km 60%
BR  Torres, Rio Grande do Sul total - 11:01:03 UTC-02:00 79 km 58%
BR  Sombrio, Santa Catarina total - 11:00:53 UTC-02:00 52 km 62%
BR  Araranguá, Santa Catarina total - 11:00:49 UTC-02:00 29 km 63%
BR  Forquilhinha, Santa Catarina total - 11:00:34 UTC-02:00 10 km 64%
BR  Criciúma, Santa Catarina total - 11:00:38 UTC-02:00 2 km 63%
BR  Orleans, Santa Catarina total - 11:00:17 UTC-02:00 37 km 68%
BR  Braço do Norte, Santa Catarina total - 11:00:22 UTC-02:00 51 km 68%
BR  São José, Santa Catarina total - 11:00:16 UTC-02:00 57 km 69%
BR  Tubarão, Santa Catarina total - 11:00:56 UTC-02:00 40 km 63%
BR  Laguna, Santa Catarina total - 11:01:21 UTC-02:00 50 km 59%
BR  Imbituba, Santa Catarina total - 11:01:10 UTC-02:00 79 km 63%